Air Testing/Pressure Testing
Air Testing also known as Pressure Testing is a mandatory requirement for newly built homes and Commercial buildings under Part L1of the Building Regulations. The test measures the air leakage
SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) Calculations & EPC’S
SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is used to provide energy ratings for new builds, extensions and converted change of use dwellings in order to comply with requirements stated in Part L of the Building Regulations (England and Wales).
SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model)
Developed by BRE for Communities and Local Government (CLG). Carried out by fully accredited assessors to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Part L2 of the Building Regulations for new and refurbished
Sound Testing
Sound insulation testing is carried out to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations Document E 2003. There are further requirements set out in other documents such as BB93, The Code for Sustainable Homes, HTM 08-01 and
Most Local Planning Authorities now require an energy statement to be submitted as part of a planning application. Southern Assessors energy consultants can provide energy statements to demonstrate a reduction in carbon emissions from
BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes
BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) have been used by planning authorities as a condition for planning permission as they have a statutory requirement to contribute towards reducing carbon emissions.
Level 5 Energy Assessment & Dynamic Simulation
Southern Assessors offer Level 5 Energy Assessment & Dynamic Simulation for New Buildings (using IES Software)
Part G Water Calculations
The latest building regulations set a maximum of 125 litres per person / day for internal water use. This is enforced by Approved Document G (sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency).