Over heating calculations both Simplified & CIBSE TM52 & TM59

Approved Document O England

Approved Document O came into force for all Building Regulations building applications and initial notices for residential buildings in England from 15 June 2022.

ALL Residential buildings include dwellings (houses and flats), care homes, nursery school sleep rooms and residential colleges, halls of residences and other student accommodation for children aged 5 years and older.

There are Two methods we offer to calculate overheating in Dwellings / Building for residential purpose-

  1. Simplified over heating calculation
  2. This simplified methodology effectively looks at the size of the glazing apertures against the floor area, this method can be used in the first instance and if there are no environmental constraints that prevent using windows opened at night for cooling, i.e Near main roads, train tracks, city centres, reduced air quality areas.

  3. TM59 Residential Thermal modelling overheating calculations & TM52 Commercial building overheating calculation
  4. 3D Thermal modelling overheating calculations to incorporate ventilation, noise exposure, construction fabric of the building along with the G values and u value of the glazed areas. If the development has restrictions due to the surrounding environment i.e main road or poor air quality a desk based air quality survey and environmental noise survey may be required to implement designs to incorporate within the Report.

Click for information: Approved Document O: Overheating (publishing.service.gov.uk)